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Hollandse molen.jpg
Spreken ze Deutsch, baby
The national football team of Holland is the best on earth.
(List of Dutch Uncyclopedians)
Hollandse molen.jpg
The number of people that have visited my userpage since you came here.

Hello. I am Uncut Rubber.

XPH is my trading name.

Grand Piano.png
This user is a big pianist, and as such believes they are better than all other musicians.
Grand Piano.png
This user walks down the
left hand path
Thus, they would be considered evil by the Catholic Church.
(List of left hand path Uncyclopedians)
This user is a member of the
Evil Atheist Conspiracy.
"We're after your children and pets."
This user hates religion, and is a sinner through and through!
This user is also proud to be a left-wing liberal elitist, but alas, there is no template for that. 22px-Flag of England.png This user just loves England, and can't wait to leave the Continent forever.

Some of my Favourite Articles[edit | edit source]

Things I Made[edit | edit source]

  • Dancinggrue.GIF

An animation I made.

  • GSOD.gif

Another animation I made.

  • Bus Invasion.jpg

A photograph I took in Leicester.

An article I started.

Another article I started.

Three Undeniable Proofs that Common Sense does Not Exist[edit | edit source]

  • Belgians need a public awareness campaign to remind them to let other people get off a train before boarding it.
  • Englishmen need a public awareness campaign to remind them to wash their hands after defecation in order to prevent the spreading of infections.
  • Dutchmen need a public awareness campaign to remind them to use their seat belts - in the back seat, too.

My Favourite Catchphrases[edit | edit source]

Phrases I invented myself[edit | edit source]

  • The Daily Fail
  • My LIFE for the MIDLANDS!
  • Fooooooooooooooooooood! (when seeing anything large and tasty)
  • Oh look, a slut. (when watching a film and seeing the ever-present young, "attractive" woman who will certainly be dating the protagonist at some point)
  • In Soviet Russia, Vengeance claims YOU!
  • The UnIverse

Phrases I didn't invent myself[edit | edit source]

Stance[edit | edit source]

Political[edit | edit source]

  • Progressive
  • Left-wing
  • Green
  • PRO-intellectualist (as opposed to "anti-intellectualist")
  • Definitely not a Communist, though. Communism fails.

Musical[edit | edit source]