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Best viewed with Internet Explorer 8 (or else).

“The day Microsoft makes something that doesn't suck is the day they make a vacuum cleaner. ”

~ Linus Torvalds on Microsoft

“Nature abhors a vacuum. ”

~ Baruch Spinoza

ZOMG MICROSOFT SUKKORZ[edit | edit source]


The Microsoft Calculator never gained much popularity alongside other gaming consoles.

As Microsoft "Windows" declined in popularity, Microsoft Doors was developed secretly. The public never really opened up to it.

You may be looking for M1cR0s0ft and not even know it!

Microsoft or M1cR0s0ft (from the German "micro zoften", meaning "small zoften", and being coined by one Bill Gates), a now defunct software company, was victim to rampant software piracy before it finally declared bankruptcy in 2012. As the cost of the lawsuits that Microsoft filed against the millions of nonpaying users of Windows ran into the billions of dollars, Microsoft eventually had to sell the majority of its servers to pay legal fees. Eventually, Apple and several companies involved with the implementation and support of Linux distributions proceeded to gain control of the operating systems market in the War on microsoft.