User:UPjcm/South Park
“Good show! Jolly good show!”
Southern Recreational is an Elizabethan serial play written and performed by famous intellectuals Matthew Stone and Treyton Parker. It has been lauded countless times by upper class spectators for its biting social commentary, provided cleverly enough to elicit guffaws from the most hard-arsed of audiences. While most comedies today try to get laughs from silly, cartoonish antics, Southern Recreational is known as a true piece of art that doesn't darn desecrate itself through such vulgarity.
Unlike their contemporary William Shakespeare, whose comedies are solid waste at best, Stone and Parker have consistently given us theatrical entertainment of the highest quality imaginable. They've skewered big business through the ingenious representation of dwarves that pilfer undergarments. They've happily mocked realism with the grotesque caricature "Snooki Monster" that performed lewd activities with grade school students and hopped around like an enormous orange bunny rabbit. At the peak of their stage show's popularity, Parker and Stone even grew the testicles to satirize the crown, but having their hands and heads chopped off has convinced the duo to stifle their derision of the queen.
Synopsis[edit | edit source]
Southern Recreational is named after the humble English city that the comedy takes place in. The denizens of that town on which the play focuses are a group of curious toddlers that crawl around saying the darndest things. When they aren't drooling and soiling their diapers, the children encounter popular culture references and get into the most amusing of situations that, unbeknownst to them, cause much trouble for the city's adults. Everything ends up getting resolved by the end of each installment, however, because Southern Recreational is a comedy, and nothing bad should ever happen in a comedy.
Characters[edit | edit source]
The cast consists of a variety of colorful personalities, many of which shall be elaborated on under this encyclopædia headline.
Frederick Cartman III[edit | edit source]
One of Southern Recreational's more fascinating characters, Cartman III is a aristocrat bearing a name of high prestige. This is the best example of irony in the play, as "Cartman" sounds like something one would cough out after a repulsive meal. Nevertheless, he's very respected among his furry stuffed peers, and his living companions seem to tolerate him on occasion, also. As a person's weight determines how wealthy they are, Cartman would most likely be wealthier than all of Europe.
The implied joke in that previous sentence is that Cartman is obese. Very much quite obese, a fact that Parker and Stone hold no reservations in making known throughout each installment.