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 Gilligan's apartment building Score: 235 Moves: 102

> Go to Gilligan's penthouse.

Fair enough. You step toward the road, flag down a taxi, and are taken to the address in the space of a few minutes.

Gilligan's penthouse is on the very top of a glitzy high-rise block of flats which seems to be about 90% glass.

You get out of the taxi and step through the (glass) front door of the apartment building. The entrance hall is well-lit and the floor is covered with mirror-bright tiles. There's an elevator at the end of the hall because rich people don't use stairs. The clerk at the front desk looks up at you with raised eyebrows. And you really DO draw attention pretty drastically in that damn gas mask. Not that I plan to give you anything else to wear.

> Ask clerk about Gilligan.

The clerk peers at you with increasing suspicion over his spectacles. "Mr Gilligan isn't here at the moment." he says. "Would you like to leave a message?"

> "Naw, that's fine, I'll just go up and loot his apartment for useful adventure-gaming equipment until he arrives."

You witless fucknut.

> Ah. Oops.

The clerk has already grabbed the phone and is dialing the police. Seriously, what the hell is wrong with you?

> It's not MY fault! I can't THINK properly when you constantly assault my self-esteem!

Wah, wah, wah. Look, just do something about the clerk before you find yourself crawling around the vents of another unrealistically-designed jailhouse, mmmkay?