User:The-elementalist/HowTo:Ban a mexican wave

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Even though hardly anyone lives in Mexico anymore, the tradition of the Mexican wave has lived on throughout the ages. But c'mon, you hate that right? It's annoying, it make you motion sick and most importantly it's dangerous. So now it's time for you to ben it; Once and for all.

Become a member of a big governing body[edit | edit source]

This is a lot eaiser than it sounds. It's not like trying to be come a member of mensa or something like that. All it takes is a few simple steps.

  • Step 1: Sleep with the boss

Over half of all the bosses in the world are males. If this means that you need to have a gay moment, so be it, it will be worth it in the end.

  • Step 2: Become the boss

There are two ways in which you can do this. The most simple way is to kill the boss whilst making out with him/her, but if that dosent work, you can always just lock them in a cupboard somewhere untill the job is done.

  • Step 3: Ban the mexican wave

This is self explanitory; Call a big, giant, seemingly pointless press conference saying that you have decided to eat take away for dinner tonight, then at the end drop that metaphorical bombshell that you have banned the wave.

Enforce the ban[edit | edit source]

This is really simple. First, you find a venue which you think uses the Mexican Wave the most. Then, you go and fuck them up tell them that cant do it anymore.