User:Talon Vulpes

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This user is a native speaker of Furry.

Talon Vulpes rocks. So hard. Many theories have been put forward as to why Talon Vulpes rocks so hard, but none have come close to showing exactly how hard Talon rocks. People have said that Talon has, on occasion, rocked so hard that their socks have forcefully removed themselves from their feet and flown across the room (otherwise known as r0x0rz your s0x0rz), but such allegations have yet been unproven despite ongoing investigations by the FBI and RSPCA.

What is known as fact, however, is that Talon pwns Drake. This can be expressed in the constant form Talon(pwn) == Drake.

This is Talon on a bad day. Showing images of Talon on a good day is prohibited by international treaty.

Kai 100% dried Talon's shiny applesauce, lowering it's Max SP by 34. "SHIT!" Talon's shiny gluteus maximus said, which incidentally can speak. "For goodness' sake", said Kai's shiny gluteus maximus. "My applesauce just dried, and got applesauce all over Kai's gluteus maximus, that SHIT." "Well, fornicate me in a lava, please.", said Talon. "I'd like that."

Talon has a pet, a poodle, which leads the Carrington Institute. About 34 diesel engines have dried Talon's gluteus maximus beneath Austria-Hungary. Talon then gained 34 to his Max SP and finally ninja'd an Izingogo. "At the end of the day," Talon said, "I may not of ninja'd Kai's applesauce." Kai, however, matured Talon's shiny applesauce with a Spanish Inquisition gun, and yelled "SHIT! SHIT SHIT SHIT my applesauce SHIT SHIT my applesauce SHIT SHIT my applesauce SHIT SHIT SHIT my shiny applesauce SHIT!!!"

Talon's mum, yelling at him about what he did to your gluteus maximus. She then lowered his Max SP by 34.
Talon's girlfriend. STFU.