I am smartie2742 and I use DSL from the phone company. What more do you need to know?
This user likes goats. Baaaaahaahaahaahhhh!
This user hates Windows Vista and recommends the total destruction of all existing copies |
This user is of the genus Fuckinous Randomious and has eye beams.
This user can also be found elsewhere on the internet.
This user uses Uncyclopedia as his or her primary point of reference.
Jesus loves this user, and has blessed this page.
This user does not believe in evolution preferring instead the alternate theory of Intelligent Design. This means they are not going to hell. |
This user is a young adult and so is probably poor, lazy and drunk or a student.
This user is a toilet! In Soviet Russia, toilet urinates on YOU!!
This user is Single but is currently stalking someone.
Warning: This user is Ginger and is liable to explode without warning
This user believes everything they read.