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Hammer and sickle.png
This user is a Communist
& is working on their Lenin mustache! ☭
Forums: Index > Village Dump > Roozie (talk)
Note: This topic has been unedited for 4455 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.
Another happy Photoshop user.this is what i look like now on a web cam


it looks like you are on a [wiki]
Golden ratio new.jpg
This user loves the golden ratio!
Golden ratio new.jpg

“Wii give you less than promised at no extra charge!!”

~ Nintendo on their customers
nice parody of "If I Was President" by Wyclef Jean.

Tired of your fast computer? Click here!

we need ads for my user page so i can get $$$

Well go on, Don't you want to be hip and popular like your friends?

*Credit Card is required for free Xbox 360.

Whoops! Maybe you were looking for [[Windows XP ]]?


hi im roozie im a user see the logo on top that's not hacked i made it using the logo template

This user is Canadian
…and actually admits to it!
(List of Canadian Uncyclopedians)

the USA sucks go to Canada not the USA

Come visit Canada today!

Here in beautiful Canada we have the largest collection of ice and snow in the world. And also BC bud! So book a tour right now, and don't forget your Uncyc VISA card...the only card that pays in laughs!
Paid for by the Committee to Pimp Canada.
Approved by the evil Oogle Company
Approved by Oogle.
This page has met the criteria of The Oogle Company.

Be careful, though. Oogle is evil...

this is HTTPS for samey


typo-4 Htis user sepaks Typo at a naer0native levle.

This user had once seen Oscar Wilde in a crowd from a distance and knows all his works and quotes by heart.
Ic bead.png Colonized Article
This formerly savage article is brought to you, and your Christian God, by your resident Lobsterbacks. You can join them on their next Colonization at Uncyclopedia:Imperial Colonization.
This article was colonized by the Imperial Colonization.