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About this person[edit | edit source]

You don't actually want to know about me, but you really do because you clicked on this link right here. I'm just a noob, and you know what that means - Real serious stuff.

Other things I want to know from a noob[edit | edit source]

You really can't understand what I'm saying don't you?

Why I am on this page?[edit | edit source]

To look at some fine lines from a noob. Look below.

Other illegal stuff?[edit | edit source]

This user has been documented to have a history of searching excessive pr0n on illegal websites.

Articles that I made[edit | edit source]

Spoon- This is the first article that I made. That makes me a n01b now, if that even exists.

What's in my thinking area?[edit | edit source]


User:Rj2399/Grand Theft Auto: Vice City

User:Rj2399/Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas

Pictures[edit | edit source]

These are practically all the pictures I used for my first article. Spoiler Warning!

Spioler Alert!

Spoiled Brat!

Reed Atricle First B4ore Reeding!

Could Cause Probable Spoiling of Reading Spoon (Nobody fucking cares)

Clik Here Now!

Clik Again!

You so sexy! Search now!. Really. Swear. Kill Myslef If Not. Lier Go To Pants Burning Place. (This is fucking damn right!)

Search Spoon Now!

Or Click On This Link!

Maybe I'm Was Wronged?


Here they are In Descending Order!!!

MrT.gif Mr. T says:
"This image is in Public Domain.
Use it for whatever you want, foo', because Uncyclopedia has a fair use policy!"

Hey diddle diddle.jpeg
Fat Person with a Spoon.jpg
Bent Spoon.jpg
Totally Copywronged.jpg
Eating Ice Cream.jpg