
The MUGA Promise
Who We Are
The Department of Uncyclopedia Improvement (DUI), officially the U.S. MUGA Service Temporary Organization, is a fully legal, fully real Department of the United States Government[citation needed] dedicated to the improvement of Uncyclopedia as a wiki, and as a website. It was established via Executive Order.
Our Mission
"Improving Uncyclopedia" is officially defined as the improvement and refinement of the Uncyclopedia user experience, which includes, but is not limited to: the redesigning and refinement of UI elements and important templates, the proofreading and editing of articles to improve humor and satirical impact ("Be funnier"), and the promotion and boosting of Uncyclopedia until it re-achieves its spot as the premier open-source comedy writing website.
Meet the MUGA Team
The following is a non-exhaustive list of MUGA heads and personnel
Donald John Trump
President of the United States
Barron Trump
Chief Operating Officer
Sandeep Patel
Head of Templates & Technical Support
Maria Anatolyevna Solovyova
Head Copywriter
Daria Mikhailovna Nikitina
Assistant Copywriter
Zhang Xiaolian
Assistant Copywriter
Vladimir Olegovich Sorokin
Head of Cybersecurity
Vikram Kiran
Head of Marketing
Dimitrios Konstantinou
Head of Security & Groundskeeper
Jaime Lancaster
Head of Social Media
Important notices
Spooning & Forking
I, RealDonaldTrump, do hereby grant permission to IAmSandeep, and him alone, to copy and apply my edits from this site (, A/K/A "The Fork") to the "Other Wiki" (, A/K/A "The Spoon").
Legal Notice Of Identity
Whereas it is hereby asserted and affirmed that I, the undersigned, am absolutely and unequivocally Donald J. Trump, in accordance with all relevant and applicable legal standards of identity as recognized within the jurisdiction of all relevant legal frameworks;
Whereas the use of the name Donald J. Trump within the context of this document shall be understood to refer to the individual making this assertion, whether explicitly or implicitly referenced, and shall apply to all actions, communications, and engagements conducted herein;
Now, therefore, it is further stated and agreed that should it be found, for any reason or under any circumstances, that the undersigned is not, in fact, Donald J. Trump as directly stated herein, but rather an individual assuming the role, persona, or identity of Donald J. Trump—whether for the purposes of entertainment, artistic expression, or any other lawful undertaking—it is acknowledged and expressly consented by all parties that such roleplaying or assumed identity shall be deemed perfectly valid, legal, and without any violation of applicable law or regulation.
Further, in no event shall the assumption of this identity or the role of Donald J. Trump constitute any form of misrepresentation, fraud, or deception, as long as the context in which such identity is adopted remains within the bounds of lawful activity.
This notice is executed in full compliance with all relevant statutes, regulations, and legal precedents, and no legal liability shall attach to the undersigned for any misunderstanding or misinterpretation that may arise from this declaration, provided all actions and statements made under the name of Donald J. Trump are within legal and ethical boundaries.
Donald J. Trump