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30 Days of Shite - the thrills! The spills! The...erm...tills!

Woo-hoo! Ya gots ya own buzz-saw now, boy! You play safely wit' dat now, y'hear? A buzz-saw ain't no toy, it's a tool, OK?
A thought drags itself up from the rotting miasma that is your brain - remarkable really, anyone would have thought that remembering a few basic facts about Alaska back there would have been as much mental activity as someone like your fine self could manage in a single day. It has occurred to you that you don't actually have a great deal of spending money for this little jaunt to the arse-end of Canada, but you could easily get some right now by simply using the chainsaw as a weapon and robbing the store.
So wut yer gonna do, man?
P7 Ask yourself what Jesus would do in your situation, and do what He would - pay the man and leave the store.
P8 Ask yourself what Jesus would do in your situation, and do the complete opposite - fire that sucker up and chop the store-keeper's head off, then rob his cash register.
P9 Suddenly come over all emo and cut your own head off.