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30 Days of Shite - the thrills! The spills! The...erm...bills!

Pussy! "Oooh, look at me - I'm so good and holy and I always do what Jesus does, because he's my boyfriend, oh yeah, I'm so ghey and I love his big kawk!"
That, in case you hadn't guessed, was an impression of YOU. It was obviously supposed to be you as far as everyone else in the whole world was concerned, because everyone else in the whole world sees you like that. You may think you're actually pretty cool, but you're not. Everyone hates you and thinks you're a pathetic little knob. You might as well kill yourself.
Unfortunately, you don't. Instead, you take your chainsaw (which, in your hands, stops looking like the mighty tree-and-monster-destroying tool that is rightfully is and instead looks like some stupid girly thing. In fact, it'd probably look better if you painted it pink and stuck a Barbie sticker on it) and prance off down the street to find a pussy hotel to stay in. You choose one with a sign outside saying "XXX BOYS BOYS BOYS Live Action XXX" and go to check in.
The hotel porter picks up your suitcase and chainsaw - you marvel at his biceps as they ripple and flex under the tight fabric of his uniform, you pussy. He shows you to your room and inquires if you'll be requiring any other services. You do, of course. However, just in case anyone has clicked links randomly and reached this stage, we'll not give the details for the sake of common decency. On the other hand, if you've been playing the game sincerely (loser) then we've already established your incredible pussy gheyness and so you can probably fill in the details with whatever sick fantasy is already forming in your mind; so we'll leave you to it. You and the porter have a couple of Babychams (pussies) from the room's mini-bar, he leaves and you go to bed.
But your pussy dreams are disturbed...