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30 Days of Shite - the thrills! The spills! The...erm...grills!

Good lad! You sure pwned that store-keeper good! With all the effortless grace of a jaguar, you leap across the counter and bite open the cash register - it's packed full of bills. You stuff your pockets with money, thousands and thousands of dollars. Then you run round the store stealing other stuff like beer and porn magazines, before noticing they also sell isopropyl alcohol - hell, the rednecks round here like a strong drink, it seems. Thinking you may as well go the whole hog, you kick open the door to the staffroom where the storekeeper used to prepare his lunch.
Looking around, you notice a microwave oven. A quick search of the cupboard turns up a metal jug, so you fill it with the isopropyl and place it in the oven. Then you turn the dial to "1000watts Full Power," click "Start Cooking" and haul ass out of there at a seriously major rate of knots!
Running full-pelt down the street you feel the heat of the explosion on your back even from a mile away - a job well done. You go into the first hotel you come to, check in and hit the bar.
Several gallons of locally-brewed Wifebeater 4X Lager later and you feel about ready to hit the sack, so you go back to the check-in desk and ask for the keys to your room. You stumble upstairs and eventually find the right door, but in your drunken state you can't unlock it. Instead, you fire up the chainsaw and use it to cut your way into the room - whoops! That wasn't your room - that one's got a high school girl's netball team staying in it, and you've disturbed them during a pillowfight! You offer a few apologies, staying just long enough to grab your camera and take a few candid shots, then discover your room is actually across the hall. Hey, Room 56, Room 57 - easy mistake, anyone could make it.
Once in your room, you succumb to the powers of the beer and collapse fully clothed onto the bed, falling instantly asleep.
But even the amount of beer you've got through this evening isn't enough to keep you unconscious all night...