User:Mr-ex777/Anti-God (Rewrite)
“ Humanity will not withstand my Sick-fuckery!”
“When the Anti-gods descended into a webpage, even guro can appear in educational sites”
“The Anti-gods of the internet will drive the internet into OBLIVION!”
Not to be confused with God or A christian/atheist belief, the Anti-Gods of the internet are human-like beings dedicated to the ruin of the internet. They are the reason why DeviantART is full of fetish porn, Why the My little pony phenomenon exists (Actually the True form of faggotry, but the Anti-gods condoned it to spread further), and why the internet is for all forms of porn. It is unknown how many anti-gods exist in the universe of the internet but it is assumed as 11 (Others said 10 or 12). At the end of the internet, (Presumably past web 4.0) the Anti-gods will revive the true form of faggotry and start an apocalyptic war which leads to the future. It is assumed that the war will descend in 2050.
Attributes of Anti-Gods[edit | edit source]

- The cause of all drama and ruin. Anti-gods are known for causing drama and ruin all over the internets in order to corrupt the internet. They were known for unleashing legal threats, spreading faggotry and ruin, and receive lots of attention and praise for causing ruin and drama. Those who were praising the anti-god becomes a "Drone" or "Knight" and are under the control of the Anti-God, and also accepting every command the Anti-God brings and eventually it will not be the anti-god that attacks (usually) but it's drones. Note that not all people who cause drama are anti-gods but those who do it for months or even years, or spread to a massive audience in the same duration, are.
- Impregnable to common logic. Anti-gods are impervious to common logic as common logic does not exist in their dictionary. Instead their logic is "We are absolute orders of the internet/site/whatever, and no one can get past it." Therefore, one attempting to negotiate with an Anti-god with Common sense are awaiting to be destroyed like an ant, or a centipede that is waiting to be crushed by a swarm of army ants.
- Often has a unusually large fanbase, and is often condoned by admins. However, it is usually Anti-Gods possessing or controlling admins in order to dominate the internet. Actually, most major site admins are controlled by at least one Anti-god, and thus speaking why most major site admins are inefficient. Their fanbase comes from manipulation power.
- Has a great sense of Sick-Fuckery, and will not hesitate to show it in it's drawings, Fan Fiction, and how they act. Their favorite fetishes are guro, scat and lolicon. usually because they have manipulation powers, Their sick-fuckery brings an undeserved amount of praise, and admins usually will not punish the Anti-god or mess with his artwork because they were controlled by it's manipulative powers. This means that even if an anti-god posts his Sick-fuckery in some family-friendly/educational site, his artwork will be praised and admins will not delete it. Sometimes one will be suspended for a day or two and that's about it.
- When they bring ruin, they usually bring it in a catastrophic scale. For example, when an anti-god forces a meme into 4Chan, the entire site will be infected in seconds. Fortunately Anti-gods usually do not bring ruin by themselves, but when they do it will stay on the internet forever.
- Usually when controlling a site, they unleash changes that would cripple a site to infinity. for example, an anti-god might unleash a rule on a site such as Wikia that no "inappropriate" images should be displayed, and this usually includes vital information such as medival arts and statues. This is not an awakening of the Anti-god's morals; The Anti-god is still as sick as it was. It is just a way to exhibit ruin to the internet.
How to confront an anti-god[edit | edit source]
No. just no. If you confront an anti-god, chances are all accounts you ever had were hacked, banned by admins, swarmed by drones of the Anti-god which will crush you into oblivion, and millions of spambots will destroy things that they cannot hack. chances are they might even lawsuit you! fortunately, if you happen to confront one, if you follow the tips below you might make one stop and ignore you. But don't even think about destroying them, never...
- DO NOT use common logic. I already explained this, see above section.
- Be wary of what you say, because no matter how logical or powerful your argument is, the Anti-god will bounce it back using some way. Usually when confronting a person, An anti god will not respond with stuff like "People like this are giving me MORE suscribers!". This is merely a gigantic faggot. They usually respond like this:
STOP your insane claims or i will do one of the following things:
►I will crush you once and for all.
►I will report you to admins for harassment and you will be banned INFINITELY. The admins here are my fuckbuddies.
►I will report to a lawyer for assault.
Now give up immediately or i will crush you like an orange you little boy.
This might sound exactly like internet tough guy talk but seriously, NO. They were dead serious on this. Usually when one calls them an internet tough guy, they will be severely humiliated and destroyed.
- Find flaws in the Anti-god's speech and respond in progress. Usually their arguements seem flawless but in reality they too have flaws, although it is possibly a VERY small flaw and you will have to find it and respond in order.
- They are persistent. Argurments might spread for 2 to 3 pages because the anti-god has a rock-hard will. If you see this you might want to ignore the anti-god and he shall not respond.
- DO NOT try to block the anti-god. They will destroy you with their drones. An extremely powerful Anti-god might also have infinite proxies as well, so don't block them.
- NEVER try to kill an anti-god. You will get killed with the Anti-god left scar-less.
Names of all anti-gods[edit | edit source]
The anti-gods name shalt not be said according to internet legend, as doing so will unveil a catastrophe of epic proportions.
Identification[edit | edit source]
Anti-gods are actually the royal guards of the true form of Faggotry. They accompany the true form of faggotry wherever they go, but they usually reside in one sites servers, or possessing specific persons time by time. They can possess up to 3 persons or two servers at once. Anti-gods only exists in western major websites and not in other locations; in other locations such as Japan and China faggotry does not exist and it is instead the government that brings ruin.