More About Me[edit | edit source]
Yes, I am a geek
I want to be Snake Eyes when I grow up...or maybe Storm Shadow.
I think that I might be Canadian...I'm sorry.
Pointless Quotes[edit | edit source]
Mo's Random Quote[edit | edit source]
“Well, that was disappointing.”
Quote Made Up By Mo, But Credited To Others[edit | edit source]
“In America, you Google Tiananmen Square; in Communist China,......!!”
Random[edit | edit source]
Things to Ponder While on the Can[edit | edit source]
When firemen were kids, what did they want to be when they grew up?
Don't even try to make a cottage out of cottage cheese: it'll never pass inspection.
Now that the Star Wars Prequels are done, can we finally admit that they aren't any good?
How come when you turn up the volume on a movie with subtitles they don't get bigger?
More Things to Ponder While on the Can[edit | edit source]
Isn't broccoli cool? It's like a little tree, man...and cauliflower! It's albino broccoli. Sweet. Too bad they taste like eraser.
Boba Fett is to Star Wars as Snake Eyes is to G.I. Joe
The worst part about George Lucas "tweaking" Episodes 4-5-6 is that he's editing my childhood.
Is the best book of the Old Testament "Scooby Deuteronomy"?
Works-in-Progress[edit | edit source]
Page of something[edit | edit source]
#REDIRECT [[Uncyclopedia:CRP]] {{BPC|Modusoperandi}} {{QVFDc}}