Intoxication (also known as drunkenness) is the effect of alcohol and/or female pheremones on the brain of any living organism. Intoxication can and has been known to affect all forms of life, including all species from the animal, vegetable, mineral and [US DOD CLASSIFIED] kingdoms. While as of 2006 there is no known cure for alcoholism, several experimental treatments have shown promise, including water, coffee and Coca-Cola.
Early History[edit | edit source]
The earliest evidence of intoxication in humans is found at the plateau in Egypt, the site of the world-renowned pyramids of Egypt. Recently-uncovered archaeologocal evidence confirms that the pyramids were originally intended to be cone-shaped. It is believed that the original architect, having partaken of excessive spirits, misrepresented the bases of the pyramids as squares instead of circles as originally planned. After noticing that was nonetheless pleased with the work, the unknown architect remained silent on the issue.
Aniother notable example is the construction of the temple of Solomon. It has now been confirmed that the wood intended for the support beams was not to have been cedar, but rather the stronger oak, more plentiful around the country of Israel at the time. A simple clerical error possibly caused by an intoxicated court clerk, resulted in numerous long-distance trips to acquire an inferior wood. It is possible that had the temple been supported by oak, it might still standing today
Intermeditate History[edit | edit source]
In 1597, Sir Isaac Newton discovered teh refractive properties of light by bending light through a prism. Most people are unaware that the prism in question was actually a glass filled with 100% alcohol. The otiginal intent of the experiment was to determine and emasure the body's maximum level of tolerance for alcohol. in retrospect it is perhaps fortunate that the initial experiment did no