User:IFYMB!/UnScripts:Snowden's Phone Calls

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UnScripts:Snowden's Phone Calls is part of

The UnScripts Project

Your personal Shakspearian folio of humor, love, woe and other silly emotions

Act 1[edit | edit source]

Introduction[edit | edit source]

Mr. Brown was a man with expectations and illusions. His deepest illusion was that the government did what it said and said what it did. His expectations about his new job as a CIA agent were numerous. They included but were in no way limited to:
a). doing parkour on daily basis
b). tapping the calls of the Russian president
c). chasing terrorists on a space shuttle
d). uncovering the truth behind September 11
e). dying for the state
f). and resurrecting (for the state, also)

Confronted with an ordinary government agent’s daily routine, Mr. Brown, however, did not lose his enthusiasm, but instead transferred it to the world of dreams. This partly explains why, at the moment when a certain Mr. Edward Snowden was on his phone (which the CIA had so kindly equipped with its best bugs), Mr. Brown’s headphones were off and Mr. Brown himself could be found snoring in his quite uncomfortable chair at his quite uncomfortable office.

He did not know that he was required only to open his eyes and press on a button, to hear a conversation that would mark the history of his century.

Act 2[edit | edit source]

Act 3[edit | edit source]