User:HerrDoktor/Polls Archive

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Archived polls

You are encouraged to comment on the results bellow.

1. From which shithole is this weirdo?[edit | edit source]

NeedABrain Poll 1.PNG

Comments[edit | edit source]

  • Yeah, fellas. I can't believe almost no one thought about India. Yeah, India. Do you know? I'm not from there... But I'm not from China either, and I just don't get why so many votes for that Option. Actually, I would love being Russian or even Romanian. But, you know... It's not my fault:
You may imagine what's being under the rule of a President like that. Case closed. -- herr doktor needsAscalpel Rocket.gif [scream!] 16:12, 25 February 2007 (UTC)

2. What do you think about character impersonating user pages?[edit | edit source]

NeedABrain Poll 2.PNG

Comments[edit | edit source]

  • As expected, the humoristic option won by far. But the bad one got less votes than I've imagined. -- herr doktor needsAscalpel Rocket.gif [scream!] 21:42, 26 April 2007 (UTC)

3. Whose mad scientist fits more this user personality[edit | edit source]


Comments[edit | edit source]


Calling anyone "Mein Füher" is surely not part of my political vocabulary, but Peter Sellers is in my "Pantheon of humor". Yeah, Pantheon, pagan gods, Dionysus, Dionysian spirit, übermensch. Happiness through power. Huh... Maybe I talked too much. -- herr doktor needsAV2 Rocket.gif [scream!] 02:53, 13 March 2008 (UTC)