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“He is a fool, don't listen to a word he says”

~ Oscar Wilde on h2g2bob

Me[edit | edit source]

This user is a native speaker of Correct English.
Yah meeht nawt beh abble tew undersvand zis usehr behkuz zey zpeek English, but Louder whif und estreemleh theuck akzent.
This user only speaks HTML enough to seduce native HTML speakers.
Protein.GIF This user joined the Folding@home Team, so he/she can show off about the fact that he/she has nothing better to do with his/her computer.

It's easy to find out stuff about me. Just speak the question out loud and shake the magic 8-ball [1] [2]:

“It is certain.”

~ Magic 8-Ball on your mom

Phonons[edit | edit source]

I love phonons. They're great! Big wibbly-wobbly vibrational waves expressed as quasipartices, what could be better? Anyway, this is the point:

“Hello?! Hello!?... Is this phone even on!?”

~ Oscar Wilde on Phonons

“Why is this vibrating?”

~ Oscar Wilde on Phonons

Shut up. It's my page, I'll put whatever piss poor phonon jokes on it I want.

Tag me up, Holmes[edit | edit source]

Meat This user is mostly or entirely made of meat

Awards[edit | edit source]

Newcookie.gif MoneySign has awarded you a cookie!
Now go play in traffic.
For your bobbingly excellent 1000+ points contributed to Folding@Home on our team. Keep up the great work, Bob to the G to the H!

  1. ^ Want an 8-ball? Just shove {{eightball|your questions}} where you feel.
  2. ^ Also, you may have noticed that you can't actually shake the magic 8-ball. In this case, I suggest that you speak the question, then shake yourself until you believe you're shaking the 8-ball. I call this the spake and shake system.