User:DeletedUser0001/The Buttsecks Tax

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Seriously, don't be such a prude.

The Buttsecks Tax is the third most anti-gay law in the state of Florida, right next to the AIDS Tax, and the Wearing Black Leather Assless Chaps Tax, although Sales Tax counts as a distant fourth, [1]

The people in Florida misspelled "Buttsex" because half the state is too illiterate to spell it correctly, and the other half are the kind of people who think it's cool to spell it that way.

The law was first passed in 1972, a year after the opening of Disney World, as conservative parents began to fear that Mickey and Donald might start humping each other on the Mr. Toad's wild ride attraction. They only thought that such a thing was appropriate if Mickey and Minnie where the horny furries in question, and only if they did so within the confines of their God-ordained, church sanctioned, anthropomorphic talking animal marriage.

Enforcing the law[edit | edit source]

Listen government, we're only saying this once: IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER.

Whereas, in the past, a law like this would be impossible to enforce, now with the advent of the patriot act, the new national track-everything-about-you-1984-style ID, and Facebook, the United States knows pretty much everything about its citizens, down to the most recent color of their pee. [2]

Now, thanks to anonymous tips from "terrorist hunters", webcams, and straight out, old-fashioned privacy invasion, the state of Florida can hone in on a penetrated ass within five minutes and with pin-prick accuracy.

Most commonly, the punishment for convicted perpetrators of these laws is a few lashes of a whip to their behinds, as well as being forced to do "personal community service" to the judge of the case.

CONTROVERSY![edit | edit source]

While normally, a law like this wouldn't stir up much controversy, as everyone knows that gays aren't actual people, heterosexuals in their mid thirties are also unhappy with the law, because that is usually the time married straight couples get bored and decide it's time to do some cave exploring. [citation needed]

  1. because queers Loooooooooooooove to shop!
  2. because that's important.