User:Dark Angel182

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NOTE: This userpage does not exist. If this userpage appears to exist, it is just a mere product of your imagination.

dEATH list:

Whoever visits this userpage shall die in three seconds.

The following people are scheduled to die for visiting this userpage:

  • User:<insert name here>

This user page comes in three different langauges

English:[edit | edit source]


Welcome to my user page. Please feel free to edit this page or send me a message on my talk page. To send me an email please click here

Typo:[edit | edit source]


Wclomee to my uesr pgae. Peasle feel fere to eidt tihs pgae or sned me a mseasge on my tlak pgae. To sned me an eiaml peasle cilck here

Gibberish:[edit | edit source]


dnfdshgoidfszugjoisdzjfidsohgdfzsiughysdiufsoi. iudhgiudshpgasJFaosdgndiuszghiaudhfisudhgiudafhgibuvdvniudf. hfighdisguohasifjdiguvdfhbigudfsznvojkasfdf

Firefox Logo.png
This user believes the Mozilla Firefox could easily defeat Godzilla.
Firefox Logo.png
This user is a girl, and is made of sugar, and spice, and everything nice.
This user likes to use userboxes.
Mr rubber ducky.gif
This user has been approved by Mr Rubber Ducky, have you?
Mr rubber ducky.gif
This user is not a number, they're a free person!
This user prefers to be anonymous. That is, numbskull, they don't want you to know who they are.
typo-X This uesr only spakes Tyop enouugh to seduec naitve Tyop spaekers.