User:DaniPine3/Analog horror

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The analog horror (horrori internetus analogus) is an invasive species that have infested the realms of the interwebs, specially in the desserted landscape known as YouTube. It is an incredibly dangerous species and it is highly advised to not walk near it, as immediate contact with it can lead to severe health issues such as

Characteristics[edit | edit source]

The horrori internetus analogus belongs to the horrori genus, which means that its main target is to scare its victims. However, it is debatable at how well does its job; whereas small kids might feel frightened with the mere sight of these species, more developed individuals might not find them scary at first.

One of its most notable characteristics is the use of shitty photoshopped images; most often depicting an average person with a distorted characteristic, such as an unhinged jaw or wide eyes

Analog horror is also well known for its regular use of Emergency Alert System, or EAS, which has become so prevalent to the point of becoming a cliché; specially in the way it tries to scare you with a loud buzzer which is deribetaly placed to cut the phrase midsent-

We interrupt this programming to inform you on the following alert.

Only known photo of Sapplerx in their personal space


Recently a local neighbour has disappeared. They were known to be an administrator on the satirical website Uncyclopedia, which they contiously contributed and moderated under the username Sapplerx. However, when their mom walked down her basement to give them their usual ration of Cheetos and Mountain Dew, she realized their dear 30-something-year-old kid had vanished from her basement. This was an odd sight considering her kid had never walked outside before, so she quickly called the authorities to inspect this unusual disappearance. The police has scanned the whole city but haven't found any evidence on the whereabouts of Sapplerx. It is advised that if you find someone that looks like they haven't slept all day, reeks of not showering in months, and keep making unfunny jokes; you tell the police immedeately, as it is very likely you just found Sapplerx.

You may now follow with the programming.

Origins[edit | edit source]

The analog horror is a mutation of the creepypasta (horrori internetus creepypastus), yet another species that lived in teh internets, which is better known for its notable characteristic of hyper-realistic blood. It is unknown when exactly the creepypasta evolved into the analog horror, although many scientists theorize that it happened around 2017, when an individual known as Petscop was found. Originally thought to be part of the horrori internetus creepypastus, later research has discovered that it shared some of the characteristics from the horrori internetus analogus, such as the shitty VHS quality. But it wasn't until The Mandela Catalogue appeared that the subspecies