A melon is a fleshy animal consisting of a skin, and a fleshy centre of brain mass. Many tests have been done to try and understand how exactly melons think. Some of the most intelligent species include watermelons, galias, honeydews and cantaloupe. A galia actually has an average IQ of 190. However, harnessing this brainpower is a big problem for melons as they have the absense of a of a body and any means of communication.
Quotes[edit | edit source]
"Melons, melons, melons"
Oscar Wilde on melons.
"Get these goddam melons off my plane!"
Samuel L Jackson starring in Melons On A Plane.
"You need a fucking melon to take me down"
The Great Melon Depression of 1956[edit | edit source]
The great melon depression of 1956 ocurred in 1956. It is widely believed that the Melon depression was caused by Communists. This was later disregarded by the Soviet Union. The real reason behind the great melon depression was the simple ideology of using melons to replace gambling chips in casions. This idea was then revoked when a certain mafia member made a bet of equivalent $100,000, resulting in a huge melon shortage in the surrouning area.
The Melon Origin Of The Species[edit | edit source]
Written in the twentieth century by Charles Darwin, this revolutionary insight into evolution was the first publication to show the link between primevil melons and homosapians. The melon grew feet and then evolved to a torso and finally into the humans we know today. The general melon populus, however, never took up this new evolution. New laws now state that the breaking of a melon is to be charged with murder, as they are our closest ancestors. In fact, melons share 99.9999999999999993% of our DNA.