User:Chicken4War/Early Norwegian black metal scene

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Helvete Oslo - black metal graffiti.jpg

The early Norwegian black metal scene of the 1990s was a very influential scene in black metal, inspiring various musicians, serial killers and Satanists alike. During this time, black metal saw its peak in Europe, with over 10 records sold in Scandinavia alone.

Musical innovations[edit | edit source]

Despite becoming well known in the 1990s, the TRVE KVLT Norwegian Black Metal scene actually started in the 1980s with bands such as Bathory. Bathory was actually a Swedish band, but they inspired Mayhem and Thorns and Burzum, so they're an honorary Norwegian Black Metal band. The playing style of TRVE KVLT Norwegian Black Metal was developed by the aforementioned Thorns, as well as Euronymous of Mayhem, where guitarists would play the whole guitar, while not playing the guitar at all at the same exact time. While this might seem impossible, it is De Mysteriis of Satan that makes this playing style work.

Dead's suicide[edit | edit source]

Dead was the lead vocalist for the band Mayhem.

Somewhere in April of 1991, Dead lived up to his name committed suicide while left home alone in the band's house in the middle of the forest. Euronymous was the person who discovered Dead's dead body. After discovering the body, Euronymous left the house and informed the proper authorities.

Just kidding. He bought a disposable camera and took pictures of Dead's body, while posing it with the weapons he used to kill himself. He then called up his good friend Necrobutcher and told him all about how his best friend had just killed himself. Y'know, just Scandinavian things. Necrobutcher left the band because of this, which, predictably, made Euronymous more sad than the death of Dead.

Helvete, ideology, and the "Black Circle"[edit | edit source]

Sometime after Dead's suicide, Euronymous opened a record store called Helvete (Norwegian for Heaven, as Euronymous was a good Christian boy). He also started a record label, which he primarily used to sell his own music, because narcissism. To amplify this narcissism, Euronymous actually lived at this record store for a while. What a weirdo..

Him and his friends would often hang out in the basement of this record store. One of these friends was Kristian "Varg" "Count Grishnackh" "Greifi Grishnackh" "The Count" "Greven" and about 48 other nicknames Vikernes. Varg was the lonely member of band Burzum.