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“Thuffering thuccotash!”

~ Bernhard Riemann on lithps

“All people with lithps should be annihilated”

~ Adolf Hitler on lithps

“Unthycolpedia is the betht.”

~ Othcar Wilde on lithps

Thummary[edit | edit source]

A lithp ith a habit or phythical quality that people have where they take their ethes and thees and pronounce them like a th. People in Thpain are famouth for lithping half their thetas and thees, while pronounthing the retht ath thetas and thees ath they should be pronounthed.

Famouth Lithperth[edit | edit source]

Famouth lithpers include Thylvester Thtallone and hith cat.

Famouth Lithper Mockerth[edit | edit source]

Famouth lithper mockerth include Grandma and her Bird, Tweety.