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BILBO LAND IS TEH PWN![edit | edit source]

I joined the Folding@home team, because I have nothing better to do with my computer.

QUOTES[edit | edit source]

“I'd fuck Bilbobaggins With a rabid monkey OOOOOOHHH YEEEEAAAAHHH!!! PUSH IT GOOOOD!!!!!”

~ Oscar Wilde on Bilbobaggins

“No way.”

~ Magic 8-Ball on Bilbobaggins

“Fifty years ago we'd have Bilbobaggins upside-down with a fucking fork up the ass!”

~ Michael Richards on Bilbobaggins

did you know...

Save our virgin forests: buy a tree a chastity belt.

“I want to thank the astronauts who are with us, the courageous spacial entrepreneurs who set such a wonderful example for the young of our country.”

~ Gorge W. Bush on education

RELATED SHIT[edit | edit source]

your mother