User:ArrowFlint22/Nazi Zombies

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"What a TOTALLY original idea for an antagonist!"

~George Romero on Nazi Zombies


~Adolf Hitler on resurrecting his fallen military


Nazis love the concept of raising the dead and being immortal and shit. What am I talking about? Nazis love to do anything that people consider to be fucked up.

Nazi Zombies were a pet project done by Dr. Edward Richtofen when he traveled through time to the late 20th Century and found out that zombies were part of popular culture during the time. He therefore decided to smoke a bunch of weed and make National Socialists into zombies.

Origins[edit | edit source]

Richtofen was very bored one day. He had nothing to do with his pointless life so he decided to break into Aperture Science and Black Mesa and stole their highly highly highly highly highly highly highly highly confidential very very very very vvvvveeeerrrrrryyyyyyy top secret teleportation technology. Then he and his dumb friend Dr. Maxis decided to do drunk science and make a badass teleporter of their very own! You should totally try something like this at home! It is a fun activity that is family friendly and fun for the whole family and rated PG and stuff! After buying their gay ass piece of shit teleporter they bought from the Dark Web building their totally AWESOME teleporter of epicness they decided to test it out. They put homeless people, crackheads, Gypsies, African children, Jehovah's Witnesses that wouldn't stop annoying them, and anything they considered "Untermensch" that they kidnapped inside and every time someone was put in they would blow up! They needed alternatives! Luckily Adolf Hitler was volunteering his soldiers to be teleported for... Some reason... I don't know cuz I'm honestly too high right now. They all of a sudden became "Nazi Zombies" which were a corpse sub-species. The Nazi Zombies were one of Group 935's greatest achievements, because they could be overused and overrated Antagonists in every zombie game/movie/tv show/etc. With the success of these creations came great troubles. Eventually The zombies got loose and shit and then Richtofen had to join forces with a drunken slav, a foul-mouthed-gun toting-Bible thumping American, and A Japanese imperialist to stop the walking corpses.

Overuse[edit | edit source]

Orignal idea.

Nazi Zombies used to be very funny until they kept being overused in cinema and in video games, luckily COD: Zombies learned this early and switched to normal zombies to stay away from the trend, but everyone else has to keep using Zazi Nombies for some reason. Wolfenstein forced BJ Blazkobitch to fight the overrated antagonist against his will in his hit prequel: Wolfenstein: The Old Blood, and for some reason somebody made a movie about Nazi Zawmbehz loving snow or some shit I guess. Anyways as you can tell the trend never stops and- OH SHIT IS THAT A NAZI ZOMB ZOMB IN MAH CLOSET! I'M SORRY FOR TALKING SHIT ABOUT YOU! PLEASE DON'T EAT MY FLESH! THAT'S A GOOD NAZI ZOMBIE! STAY BACK! GOOD BOY! OH SHIT HE ATE MY PET MONKEY AND STOLE MY FLATSCREEN!

Civil Rights[edit | edit source]

Nazi Zombies eventually got sick and tired of a drunk Russian man blowing their heads off with a shotgun so they started a civil rights movement. Eventually they joined forces with the main Zombies Civil Rights movement and brought an end to Zompartheid! Now Nazi Zombies can eat the flesh off your first-born and do "Heil Hitler" salutes in your Liberal Arts College campus without repercussions! Hope you have fun trying deal with walking corpses trying to rip your guts out! Hope you drank enough Quick Revive, and Juggernog! *ROUND STARTS* *COD ZOMBIES 115 SONG STARTS TO PLAY IN BACKGROUND*