User:10rd Ben

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10rd Ben!! w00t w00t[edit | edit source]

"Man, this sooo much better than Myspace!!! w00t w00t" -- Icons-flag-au.png 10rd Ben - talk to me now!!! - 30px-Sucrose_b.gif 08:25, 14 February 2007 (UTC)

Seriously though, I am a HUGE fan of all the excellent work done by the nice people here at Uncyc. I'm really interested in making the Australian articles ACTUALLY funny. But hey, humour/humor is all subjective right? Maybe it's already heck funny and i'm just stupid.

Article's I'm working on[edit | edit source]

Article's i have created[edit | edit source]

  • Popular Media Personality - this was the first article I ever created, and It's an attempt at creating a link between fame and PiMP ing...

I joined the Folding@home team, because I have nothing better to do with my computer.

I have contributed 1337
2673 pints points to the Uncyclopedia Folding@home team.

Marree man greyscale outline.jpg
This user is a Marree Man. Drongos just became an endangered species.
Marree man greyscale outline.jpg
Firefox Logo.png
This user believes the Mozilla Firefox could easily defeat Godzilla.
Firefox Logo.png

This user denies any involvement with the cabal. There is no cabal.

This user is elite.

No Wikipedia.png
This user does not have a user page at Wikipedia because they think that they take things way too seriously over there.
No Wikipedia.png

This user is a Ninja, with dominion over everything totally sweet.

bu-3 This user speaks advanced Bullet and can fire rounds in short bursts.
Grand Piano.png
This user is a big pianist, and as such believes they are better than all other musicians.
Grand Piano.png