Uncyclopedia talk:UnNews/Development

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This is the development version of the UnNews main page, it is being used to develop the ideas based upon User:General Specific's work.

User:Elvis's Ideas[edit source]

(To make this ulitmimately work I'm pretty sure we are going to need m:DynamicPageList).

We need:

  1. A single way of defining a story with Use of the m:InputBox like Wikinews:Writing an article does to help people do this.
    1. Headline
    2. Short blurb
    3. Article Text
    4. OR existing page to link to - Could be included via {{:ArticleName}}
    5. Image
    6. Date of Creation
    7. Status (Publish, Under Construction, etc.)
    8. When navigated too it only it should only show:
      1. No Headline (article Name should do)
      2. No Blurb
      3. Article Text
      4. Image
      5. {{UnNews}} template
      6. Possibly a status - (should use category)
      7. Possibly Date of Creation
  2. A Method of selecting the first 2 most recent pages (because we don't have to worry about being the most "important" like WikiNews), DPL's look like they should be able to handle this.
    1. =Headline=
    2. Headline a link to Article
    3. Short Blurb
    4. "Update This" link
    5. Image
  3. Method of selecting the third, fourth and fifth (for "Third Lead" and "Oringinal Reporting", etc.) most recent pages (because we don't have to worry about being the most "important" like WikiNews), DPL's look like they should be able to handle this.
    1. ==Headline==
    2. Headline a link to Article
    3. Short Blurb
    4. "Update This" link
    5. NO IMAGE
  4. A List of old stories ordered by dateDPL's look like they should be able tohandle this.
    1. ===Headline===
    2. Headline a link to Article
    3. No Blurb
    4. No "Update This" Link (if they want they can follwo the link to the story and update it that way)
    5. No Image