Uncyclopedia:Pee Review/Cunnilingus

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Cunnilingus[edit source]

This is one of the best undiscovered articles I've ever seen. Somebody please review it. InMooseWeTrust 11:22, May 26, 2010 (UTC) Hello, anybody there? InMooseWeTrust 09:56, June 5, 2010 (UTC)

Humour: 6 It's funny. Ironic enough, but kind of wounded by its structure.
Concept: 8 The concept... very nice. The city non-sequitur is good.
Prose and formatting: 3 Far as I'm concerned, the formatting really breaks this article - it doesn't even read like an article at all so much as a pile of unrelated sections. Should someone perhaps reorder them and make it flow as an article, one section to the next with some form of transition or conclusion and more effectively maintain the concept of cunnilingus as a city full of sexual innuendo and puns, it could really gleam.
Images: 7 The images, while supporting the silliness of the thing, don't make up for its lack of structure. The airplane caption talks about something of which the article itself makes no reference, for instance, and is not inherently funny, either. Not like the guy in the rubber.
Miscellaneous: 6 Poor average. It needs a hug. Or maybe a better p/f score to make it feel better.
Final Score: 30 It needs focus. This article has a lovely concept... well, sort of... perhaps 'lovely' is the wrong word. It's a good one, anyhow; it needs a kind organised heart to bring it altogether as an article. Discarding or connecting the pieces that have nothing to do with it would help, too, especially the section on the airline, as the airplane image caption is not sufficient to tie it in. (I for one completely missed it at first) The quotes, on the other hand, do add nicely to the son-sequitur of the article itself...
Reviewer: - Athyria (Don't hurt me.)