UnPoetia:Obama's Last Name Is...

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"Obama's Last Name Is..." is the name of a 2022 prose, written by an unknown Algebra II student from Ohio. Reportedly, it was written originally as a substitute for state secrets, which, upon the writing's completion, would be swiftly torn apart. As of November 21, 2022, this has supposedly not happened.

Composition[edit | edit source]

Obama's last name is Obama! 44th President of the United States. Barack Obama has the last name Obama. Obama was born in the state of Hawaii and grew up on Chicago and Indonesia. He later became a senator in the state of Illinois before being elected President in 2008. Obama was reelected in 2012 beating his opponent Mitt Romney. In the presidential debate Obama famously said, "They say your father was a great man... you must be what's left."

Obama's presidency was known for Obamacare, having a president named Obama, and people who voted for Obama. Obama is known for escalating U.S. presence in Central Asia. On May 1, 2011 Obama announced that Navy SEALS managed to kill Osama bin Laden, leader of terrorist group Al-Qaeda and co-conspirator behind the September 11th attacks.

Obama was known for his charisma and famously said, "hello, my name is Barack Obama," and, "Being president is pretty cool man." Obama also installed a basketball court at the White House which is unique because the presidents who have succeeded him (Donald Trump and Joe Biden) probably are too old and unhealthy to ever play basketball. Donald Trump was unable to fit a golf course around the White House and famously said, "Let's just repurpose the lawn." Donald Trump was never successful with this plan and instead took time to open a golf course in Scotland during his presidency. Can we just take a second and think about this. The highest office in the country, the fucking president of the nnited States went to Scotland to play golf.

One might say, well Obama played basketball during his time in office, but there is a huge difference. he didn't use fucking Air Force One to fly over the Atlantic for fun. Biden would have done the same, but he couldn't get up the stairs.

See also[edit | edit source]