UnNews:Syria confirms American pimp in Beaucoup Harem
12 June 2014
SYRIA -- The truck was full of freshly kidnapped Nigerian girls, who were transported overland and finally dropped off at a tropical oasis in Syria. Moments later, there was a party, followed by cries of “Oh God!” in Arabic, along with a rapid-fire sound of popping corks.
What is so news worthy about that? Well, nothing, really, except that one of the kidnappers is an American who grew up in the United States of America, and had a cat. A rather nice looking cat actually.
The American can be seen in an online video filmed by Syrian spies near said unnamed oasis. According to government sources, the American is a member of Beaucoup Harem, which is a radical group of Nigerian pimps. Over the last few months Beaucoup Harem have claimed responsibility for a spate of slutnappings -- all in the name of the profit.
A U.S. official said that the man in the picture and his cat were both American citizens. The man, called Al-Amriki, is an American citizen named Leroy Holmes. The identity of the cat is unknown, but is possibly Persian. Al-Amriki grew up in the Compton area of Los Angeles where he was recruited into Beaucoup Harem late last year.
The video on YouTube, with the title “American Pimp Joins Beaucoup Harem,” identifies Leroy as none other than Al-Amriki. The video and several other social media posts feature the picture of a bearded man, resembling Leroy, amid a group of young hos.
U.S. intelligence and law enforcement officials have expressed concern about Americans engaging in the flesh trade between Nigeria and Syria. Many analysts speculate that Westerners may participate in kidnapping teenage girls for immoral purposes when they return to the West when they realise how easy it is to do.
“There's a fast growing flesh trade out of Nigeria into Syria,” FBI Director James Crumb said last week. “Our main worry is that American members might develop bad habits when they come home.”
Sources[edit | edit source]
- Repeater "US confirms first American suicide bomber in Syria" WBTV, June 3, 2014