UnNews:Plane crash victims 'may be in interminable TV show'

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11 March 2014

Wops: But not all of the crash victims are yellow.

Survivors from Malaysian Airlines flight MH370, which disappeared on Friday, may be trapped in an interminable TV show, according to experts.

The plane, which was flying to Beijing from Kuala Lumpur with 239 people on board, was reported missing with all passengers presumed dead. However, air stewardess turned crash investigator Joanna Corey has told UnNews: "It's very likely the survivors are all on a desert island somewhere. And it's going to go on for ages."

At first, the experience might even be pleasant, Corey claimed: "There'll be sexual tension between the better looking ones, then there'll be loveable rogues, eccentrics, and a really fat one.

"But it won't be all plain sailing, there'll moments of drama: a loud screeching noise which always makes you think something exciting is going to happen (but it never does), a black smoke monster, and shadow people."

Corey believes that the experience is likely to intensify as the years go by. "What may seem like an interesting basis of, say, a one-season mystery show, will just drag on and on. Then they will experience this whooshing sound which will lead to either flashbacks or flashfowards, and you'll just get the sinking feeling it's going nowhere."

Families of victims of the crash have taken heart from Corey's theory, but she warns: "They may or may not be dead right now, but one thing I am sure of, by the time it ends, you will wish they were dead."