UnNews:Offensive Uncyclopedia edits 'came from UK government'

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30 April 2014

One such offending comment, out of synch with the rest of Uncyclopedia's content, including spelling mistakes.

The charity that represents Uncyclopedia in the UK has condemned edits made from government computers after more incidents of vandalism emerged.

UnNews has discovered that the spelling of the phrase "I maed a yuky doody" on a page about Muslims was corrected from a computer in Whitehall, home of the British government.

Another edit used the oops template to revert any Uncyclopedians searching for 'black people', with the message, "Are you sure you didn't mean 'Good, hard-working folk'?" and later inserted sentences into the main body of text.

The Liverpool Echo last week revealed that offensively liberal material had been added to the entry for gay people.

Stevie Benton, from Uncyclopedia UK, told us: "We find this kind of vandalism appalling. Uncyclopedia is the content-free encyclopedia that anyone can edit - and we are disgusted that politicians at the very highest echelons are using it to spread misinformation.

"Uncyclopedia is run for and by the prejudiced and retarded, the unwashed and the illiterate disenfranchised masses - we don't like to see our nation's leaders writing 'Lolz edit wars' in the summary box."

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