UnNews:MP Claims Cost of Own Conception on Expenses

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4 June 2009

One starry night in 1954

LONDON, United Kingdom -- Harry Horsebrush, Labour MP for East Bogsdale has defended an expense claim he made on behalf of his late father's estate, for a cost of £5 incurred in March 1954, plus interest at a reasonable commercial rate.

The claim is understood to relate to events leading up to the MP's conception, and he maintains that although he wasn't around at the time, the expense was incurred wholly and necessarily in the course of his employment, arguing that, "if me old dad hadn't stumped up that fiver all those years ago, then the working men of Bogsdale would never have had the opportunity to send me down to London and buy me a big fuck-off telly".

He denies claims that he is a thieving son of a cheap, backstreet whore, saying, "£5 was a lot of money in those days".

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