UnNews:Lindsay Lohan's acting lets her down in court

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7 July 2010

Lindsay Lohan:Acting violations.

Los Angeles, CA. USA

Non-Award winning actress Lindsay Lohan lost out in court when she was sent to prison for 90 days for violating her promise not to act in public again.

The befuddled star of films like Parent Gap, Freaky Friday and Have You Not Seen My Beaver? was told by the Los Angeles County Superior Court that she had broken her promise not to perform in public again. Lohan was also criticised for her life style and hanging around with anorexic, shaven haired thespians, going to auditions and mixing with the notorious Hollywood gangs who have ruined many young women's life by forcing them to walk the red carpet and attend sleazy celebrity parties.

In an attempt to persuade everyone she was really suited to film work, Lohan put on her best impersonation of acting in court since she played a pole dancer in I Know Who Killed Me. However the performance didn't impress anyone present and seemed to convince others that Lindsay Lohan would be a public menace if she ever got another film role.

Passing sentence on Lohan, Judge Judy condemned the drama addict and said it was in the American peoples' interest to remove the freckle faced failure from the streets. Judge Judy said she wanted to show Lohan that acting doesn't pay and that she should spend her time in prison to reconsider her career. Lohan was told it was her last chance and if she failed to acknowledge her criminal acting activities, she would be banged up for a very long time.

Friends of Lohan have gone on television to urge her to give up the 'drug' and to get on with the rest of her life after she comes out from jail.

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