UnNews:Greenpeace calls for greener consoles

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12 December 2007

Sony think a green playstation may look like this. Yuck!

AMSTERDAM, Holland - Greenpeace has called on gamers to persuade Sony, Microsoft and Nintendo to make their consoles greener. So far, Sony have been the only company willing to make alterations to their product to help keep the environmental campaign group satisfied.

According to Sony spokesperson Yoshi Wii speaking to us from Tokyo, so far this Christmas, game consoles "only seem to be available in black, white and silver". “I can see Greenpeace’s point. We always thought that black and silver console would kind of go with most furnishings around the home but it just goes to show that you can’t please everyone.” Wii then added: “These days it’s hard not to walk into someone’s house and not find a Playstation, Wii or an old N64 still kept solely for Goldeneye or Mario Kart 64. You want your Sony Playstation to stand out. Who wants to have a black one that looks exactly the same as everyone else’s? It shows up all the dust too!”

Sony have also reported that they have been asked about this several times before. In various attempts to Pimp my Playstation, gamers have been known to spraypaint their own consoles. However, reports claim that paint finds it harder to dry on plastic and air bound paint particles often find their way through the vents and into the inner circuitry, thus damaging the console and the gamer's enjoyment of the product.

Sony are now thought to be following computer giants Apple who have had great success with releasing their iPod products in a range of brighter and more exciting colours. Susan Hawthorne, a passing-by Christmas shopper on Oxford Street, London told us “I think it will be a great idea. Black is so dull and everything seems to come in silver these days. I hope they do it in pink too!”

It is thought that the new green PS2 will be available for the January sales. Sony will then determine how popular these are and if successful will role out a green model for the latest Playstation 3 (60Gb version only like everything else).

Greenpeace were unavailable for further comment.

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