UnNews:Famous Mexican prison warden abducted, remembered

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31 May 2010

Carlos Castaneda as he is fondly remembered by convicts and stoners alike.

MEXICO CITY, Mexico -- A famous prison warden in the Mexican state of Morelos was abducted as he reported to work Saturday morning.

The warden was identified as Carlos Castaneda, director of the Atlacholoaya prison, and founder of the Mexican Psychedelic Society (Sociedad mexicana psicodélica).

Castaneda's abandoned Toyota truck was found near the prison, according to the government-run Notimex news agency. After police made the determination that “he must be dead,” Castaneda was honored and remembered in four locations in the city of Cuernavaca, Notimex said.

He was the author of The Teachings of Don Juan: A Yaqui Way of Knowledge, A Separate Reality and Journey to Ixtlan. These books described his apprenticeship with a traditional "Man of Knowledge" identified as Dr. Timothy Leary, a lecturer in psychology at Harvard University (1959–1963).

Written messages of condolences, along with psychedelic poems and Jimi Hendrix records, were left in the four locations by friends and well-wishers from Haight-Ashbury and Ixtlan, Notimex said. The news agency did not report what the messages said.

No arrests had been announced as of Sunday morning so all search efforts have been permanently called off.

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