UnGames:Escape from Ojai/Follow the Aracuans

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The official coat of arms of the Slappallappapian Army

The Aracuans lead you to a bunker somewhere in the ouskirts of Ojai. The bunker is guarded by two Aracuan soldiers, and the coat of arms of the Slappallappapian Army (pictured) is poorly glued to the door. "SAY THE PASSWORD, TSE TUNG!", yells one of the guards of the bunker. "THE GREAT LEADER OF THE OPOSSUMS HAS THE LONGEST PRICK! TSE TUNG! TSE TUNG!", answers one of the Aracuans that were leading you. The guards open the door and let you come inside.

In the center of the bunker, there laid an Aracuan sitting on a red-tinted chair. That was when you realized, this was no average Aracuan, for he was Walbro, the leader of all Aracuans. The moment you entered, Walbro looked at you suspiciously, and yelled, "WHO ARE YOU, INTRUDER TURD?"; to which one of the Aracuans that were leading you said, "DO NOT HARM HIM, O GLORIOUS WALBRO, FOR HE IS A FELLOW COMMERADE!" Walbro is sitll suspicious of you, and asks, "WHAT IS WHAT YOU WANT FROM US, INTRUDER TURD?"

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