UnGames:Escape from Ojai/Ask Walbro for the exit of Ojai

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You don't hestitate to tell the Aracuans you don't remember how you got to Ojai and that you'd just want to go back home. "MMMHH... IT'S UNDERSTANDABLE THAT YOU WOULD NOT WANT TO BE HERE IN THIS TURDSCAPE OF A WAR", replies Walbro. "HOWEVER," the Aracuan continues; "YOU MUST FIRST PROVE TO ME THAT YOU'RE A FELLOW COMMERADE. YOU SHALL DO A TASK FOR ME, A TASK THAT NONE OF MY ARACUANS WILL BE ABLE TO CARRY."

You ask what this task of him is, and the answer leaves you astonished. "YOU SHALL KILL THE LEADER OF THE OPOSSUMS, FOR HE IS A TRAITOR TO THE COMMUNIST CAUSE! TSE TUNG! TSE TUNG!"; after saying these last words, the rest of the Aracuans also yell "TSE TUNG! TSE TUNG!" in unison. Worried that you might not be able to do such a task, you ask the Aracuan what will happen if you refuse to do so. "WELL, YOU WILL PROVE YOU ARE NOT AN ALLY OF THE COMMUNIST CAUSE, AND WE WILL SHOOT YOU TO DEATH".

You gulp at the thought of having to make this choice -if it even can be called a choice. But you've already gone this far, and it seems this is the only way you'll be able to escape from Ojai...

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