UnGames:Escape from Ojai/Ask Walbro for him to die

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Great Seal of the Wolverhamptonish Cacatoneditucanish Maozedongish Commie Party.png

It's not long before you reveal your true intentions. All this time, you've just been wearing a mask so that you could be led to this exact spot. But you've never been in the side of the Aracuans; oh, no. You hate them to the bone. Specially their so-called leader, Walbro.

You tell Walbro that all you want is for him to die, and, to your shock, he does. You didn't even need an epic fight or anything; he just died like that. Crying out in a voice so loud all of Ventura County can hear him, Walbro shouts in his last breath:

You smile proudly that you managed to end Walbro's reing of terror and absurdity. However, your joy is cut short. Without warning, from the ashes of his spontaneous combustion rises a grue.

Fucking Walbro..., you think to yourself. You knew it had been too easy. This had been yet another one of his jests, and you had been completely fooled by him.

The grue approaches you and starts sniffing you. I think you know what happens next.

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If you wanted to kill Walbro, you chose the wrong route.

You may