UnBooks:AVALand: Book 1: New Adelos (Fanfiction Edition)

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Back cover text: Based on the most popular anime original character dress up app ever made, the app's beloved feature AVALand is now in fanfiction form! Featuring Wandy as the main character, not only will she guide you, but also Zero and Kuma will do so in a unique way that you've never seen before as a fanfiction! This is just the beginning, as more books will be published soon!

Chapter 1: Climbing[edit | edit source]

The man and his people have arrived on this island safely.

“I can guarantee there is light in the tunnel...”

~ Some random guy you've never heard of

A man was pointing at an island covered in shadows and mist. His companions made a boat to be there, and they made it. A city gleams from the distance. The companions called this new island "Illumia", and took the entire land to themselves. A new city which also appeared to be the capital city was also created, called New Adelos, which was founded by the followers of Apollo. The island grew in silence as tens of thousands of people arrived to Illumia. The shadows and mist disappeared, and thus Illumia was settled.

Chapter 2: Origins[edit | edit source]

Among the ruins of the relic, (y/n) and I found a strange story about the origins of New Adelos, but for some reason in another language that is in nothing but symbols. I knew the symbol language easily, so I decided to translate it to (y/n). New Adelos was covered in a dark world, only to be illuminated. It was rumored that Apollo was the one who lighted up everything. Now it became the largest city because it was the capital.

Chapter 3: The History of New Adelos[edit | edit source]

Going to the academy, I introduced (y/n) to Zero, who is one of my assistants. It was the first day of school. After that, me, (y/n) and Zero went to the statue where Apollo first ascended on to the world. But the statue doesn't resemble anything other than the fact that whoever made it was too lazy to complete it.

Chapter 4: Paradox Song[edit | edit source]

During the summer season, many festivals take place in New Adelos' bazaar. A lot of talents were shown, such as art, comics, videos and more being sold. Most of the vendors were young people, even being shown to others, either for free or for a specific price. There are gangs on the bazaar that fight just to get clout. I don't get why, though.

Chapter 5: Welcomed New People[edit | edit source]

After we visited the bazaar, (y/n) and I traveled to a small town next to the relic. The outsiders were welcome enough to hold a party for us. However, they lit bonfires because that's the way they create light and they prefer it that way. No one talks about the villagers as they're not mentioned enough in New Adelos' history books. Except who cares about them? No offense.

Chapter 6: Relic Carving[edit | edit source]

As we left the village, it was raining. We found a new companion named Kuma who was from the relic, and he appeared to be a different species from us humans. Kuma knew how to light up the cave with his light powers, with traces that looked like some kind of dance tutorial before YouTube was made. (y/n) started dancing along, only to come into an abrupt end. So we decided to sleep in the cave for a day.

Chapter 7: The Festival[edit | edit source]

After we woke up, a festival was happening in the plaza. Today was Apollo Appreciation Day, and each year people would thank Apollo for bringing light into a dark world. The five most talented participants will be nominated as "Apollo Ambassadors", one of which used lots of editing for their talent. Pardon my French, but like how the fuck?

Chapter 8: Divine Guidance[edit | edit source]

Summer is over and that another year had started. Anyone can learn in the academy as long as you don't break the rules. There were some staff members that used to be students, then were suspended because they broke the rules. But otherwise, it is a welcoming place for anyone to learn in.

Chapter 9: Eccentric Building[edit | edit source]

One day I was strolling in the bazaar with (y/n). There was this old guy named Mr. Yao who had a wooden box. Even though (y/n) touched it, they got away with it because...I dunno.

Chapter 10: Other Side of the World[edit | edit source]

Another school year has flown by. Me, Zero, Kuma and (y/n) are chilling on the beach. Now people are doing impossible feats more than ever. Suddenly (y/n) and Kuma were playing in the water. Were there more places to explore?

Chapter 11: Starry Sonata[edit | edit source]

We looked up at the dazzling starry sky. Suddenly, we were entranced through a somewhat catchy melody. There were a lot of people attending the performance in the fields, and Kuma led us there. So I did with (y/n). How did the performer know all of this?

Reception[edit | edit source]

The fanfiction adaptation of AVALand received negative attention, even more than the feature itself, especially chapter 7 of the entire fanfiction in which the main character Wandy swears, despite the fact that you can't swear in AVAKuma, the app that the fanfiction is based on. Making matters worse is that the actual developers wrote this and not fans. Also it ended on a cliffhanger twice (after AVAKuma allegedly disappeared), even with the new addition of a chapter.