A citation[yeah, right] is a tool[yeah, right] authors use to legally copy[yeah, right], distribute[yeah, right], cite[yeah, right] and downgrade others' works[yeah, right]. It is found mostly[yeah, right] in texts where they are used to distract their reader from the text itself[yeah, right] by annoying[yeah, right] them with obnoxious symbols[yeah, right] and references[yeah, right]. No reader[yeah, right], of course, takes these seriously[yeah, right] because as everyone knows[yeah, right]: anything[yeah, right] found on the internet is automatically true[yeah, right]. Citations[yeah, right] are therefore a total[yeah, right] waste of the users connection[yeah, right]. This is why many webbrowsers have installed an automatic citation filter that blocks citations[yeah, right] so that they are not downloaded[yeah, right].
The History[yeah, right] of Citations[yeah, right][edit | edit source]
Citations date back to the texts by Plato[yeah, right], who used it extensively in his writings[yeah, right]. Plato was very adept at citing[yeah, right] and could therefore proudly[yeah, right] pass on his knowledge of citations[yeah, right] to his student[yeah, right], Aristotle[yeah, right]. Plato and Aristotle dedicated their lives[yeah, right] to spreading[yeah, right] the use of citations[yeah, right], and it was because of them that the practice reached Egypt[yeah, right].
In Egypt[yeah, right], the citations[yeah, right] found [yeah, right] a new home[yeah, right] within the Alexandrian Library[yeah, right]. The citations prospered[yeah, right] within the library, and slowly[yeah, right] but surely[yeah, right] evolved from their citational roots[yeah, right]. With lots of books[yeah, right] to infect and cite[yeah, right], the citations grew exponentially{{}}, and within weeks[yeah, right] formed their own society[yeah, right] and congressional courts[yeah, right]. It didn't take long[yeah, right] before the citations took over the library[yeah, right], and within a month[yeah, right] of the liberation, the citations had taken over Egypt.[yeah, right] Through clever[yeah, right] use of text manipulation[yeah, right], the citations spread throughout the world[yeah, right].
From Egyp[yeah, right]t, the now evolved[yeah, right] citations had an almost[yeah, right] divine[yeah, right] impact on the world[yeah, right]. It is still tradition in Taiwan[yeah, right], for example, that in order to be successful in life[yeah, right] you must cite at least 10 sources[yeah, right] for every one thing you make up[yeah, right]. Scientists today can only nod their heads[yeah, right] in agreement[yeah, right] when looking[yeah, right] at the countless[yeah, right] unsuccessful[yeah, right] internet hogs that exist[yeah, right].
Citations have since been proven[yeah, right] to be the cause of The Seven Plagues[yeah, right], human stupidity[yeah, right], global warming[yeah, right], the holocaust[yeah, right], entropy[yeah, right], human stupidity[yeah, right], and the 16-year[yeah, right] overdue[yeah, right] end of the 100 Year War[yeah, right].
Examples Of Citations in Speech[yeah, right][edit | edit source]
JACK: Oh my god[yeah, right] Jill! Your mum is such a smokin' MILF [yeah, right]!
JILL: She's 56[yeah, right], Jack![yeah, right]
JACK: Yumm, cougar, I don't mind [yeah, right]
JILL: Shut up about my mum or I will stab you![yeah, right]
JACK: I wanna fuck ya mum [yeah, right], Jill. Make it happen.
JACK: Argggh!
Jill stands covered in Jacks blood [yeah, right]
JACK: You killed me. [yeah, right]
Lack of Citations in popular culture[edit | edit source]
Lack of citations can be found anywhere[yeah, right]. Really[yeah, right]. Lack of citing has become proper practice[yeah, right], and it is therefore common to find " [yeah, right] " stuck to anything[yeah, right].
Some[yeah, right] also[yeah, right] find[yeah, right] it[yeah, right] funny[yeah, right] to[yeah, right] stick[yeah, right] the[yeah, right] tags[yeah, right] to[yeah, right] every[yeah, right] word[yeah, right] in[yeah, right] a[yeah, right] sentence[yeah, right].
Or two[yeah, right][yeah, right] on the same word[yeah, right].
Three even[yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right].
Not four[ERROR!][ERROR!][ERROR!][ERROR!] though[yeah, right].
Five[yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right] works[yeah, right].
Sometimes you find sentences of purely tags. [yeah, right] [yeah, right] [yeah, right] [yeah, right] [yeah, right] [yeah, right] [yeah, right].
In fact, some sites have whole sections solely made up of tags[yeah, right]. You really shouldn't trust those![yeah, right]
[yeah, right][edit | edit source]
[yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right]
[yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right]
[yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right]
[yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right]
[yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right]
[yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right]
[yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right]
[yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right][yeah, right]