Sisu is a Disney dragon from the movie Raya and the Last Dragon.
Origins[edit | edit source]
Sisu is based on the Naga, a half-Human, half-Cobra being that currently lives in the dense forests of Bhutan. Disney planned to make an animated film to represent the people of Southeast Asia, or SEA for short. Disney didn't choose to do a movie involving a half-human, half-cobra dragon, so they hired a young girl who lived in a pineapple under SEA to draw a cute dragon to market to female toddlers. The dragon she came up with was an oriental dragon with a unicorn horn and a face similar to Elsa. Halfway through production of the movie, Disney scrapped the idea of marketing the dragon to toddlers since they were just little kids with no money[1]. They made the dragon sexy to appeal to Disney adults, who often remortgaged their homes to afford going to Disneyland.
Film[edit | edit source]

In the movie Raya and the Last Dragon, dragons and humans lived together in harmony, until one day, all the dragons (except one) died because the humans forgot to feed them. Sisu survived the famine because she ate her own voice actor[2] — washing her down with a bottle of Awkwafina — causing Sisu to forever sound like a raspy rapper. The movie centers around the humans figuring out a way to impregnate the last dragon.
Reception[edit | edit source]
The movie received mixed reviews. Adults praised it; they said that, although it was a generic kids' movie, it at least stopped their little brats from crying. Southeast Asians complained that it was unrepresentative, as none of them got a single offer to co-star. Critics praised the business strategy of putting the movie behind the Disney+ paywall, though most admitted that they were not about to pay any $30 fee to see it, even if they might wrestle a reimbursement out of their employer. Critics who pirated the movie gave it a negative review.