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Netinyahoo was founder of the Isræli Political party known as the Zionist Socialist Jewish Workers Party (NSJAP), named after the Nazi party in germany from the world war two era. Despite the fact that Isræl was founded on the basis of the nazis trying to exterminate all of the jews in World War Two, Netinyahoo has since gone to say that there would have been no problems and that Hitler could have "Solved the Jewish question by sending all of the 'German' Jews here.", and "I would rather have had them rounded up and deported here than left alone in germany"

Early Coalitions[edit | edit source]

Netinyahoo came to power first after being offered control after founding the company of Yahoo, which he named after himself, although it is possible he legally changed his name to be named after Yahoo, but when he first took power, he had little of a coaltition, and he therefore, decided to ally with the parties in power. However, over time, he turned to more and more radicool parties for support, as he had to do so to maintain support due to his corruption, and not due to his extermination of the filthy Palestinians who have only been there for 2000 years, when they were there first!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As Fürher[edit | edit source]

In 2019, Benjamin Netinyahoo was crowned the first Führer of Isræl. This started when the Aryan Supremacy Party joined the Netinyahoo's coalition[1]. This marked the first major turning point in Netinyahoo's turn towards a more fascistic approach with his decision to join with literal Nazis. The Aryan Supremacy Party was soon joined by the Franconist Party of Isræl, Austrofasci Isræli, the Jerusalem Nazi Party, and the local chapter of the KKK.

This association with all of these fascist groups made nobody uneasy, as it seemed to, in fact, steady the Fürher's footing, as the multiplicity of interests represented in the grand Israeli fascist coalition seemed to cancel each other out. His actions were mainly in the realm of oppressing women and gay people, much to the objections of the largely homosexual Isræli Metaxis Party.

Massacres of Political Opponents[edit | edit source]

Netinyahoo's reign in terms of politically motivated massacres were actually not against his opponents on the other side of the political spectrum, but came more from within his grand fascist coalition, as a way of solving internal squabbles. Some of his victims were the pro-gay rights, but anti-lesbian Metaxis Isræl, which was obsessed with masculinity to the point where they thought that it was very worthy of sexual attraction since only men are worthy of love, the Israeli Austro-Fascist Party, in turn took its place as the weirdos, lobbying exclusively for wanting to be closer to Austria by means of developing technology to move the Isræli Plate away from the West Bank, and towards the Alps.

Expansion[edit | edit source]

Under the rule of Netinyahoo, they have annexed the moon[2], and Alsace-Lorraine[3]. Alsace-Lorraine was formerly a part of France until it was conquered by Palestine.

See Also[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]