Looking for a hairpin in the hey stack

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If you lost a hairpin in a hey stack, some say it's impossible to find again. When people say they lost something thats impossible to find again, some say the illiterate "It's like searching for a hairpin in a hey stack!". But why? Lets dive into human history to find out. This will be like searching for a hairpin in a hey stack.

The Ancient Egyptians[edit | edit source]

They didn't have hey, so we might not find an answer here. Lets look elsewhere.

The Ancient Ejections[edit | edit source]

In ancient times, people would eject their hairpins. Wait, they didn't have any back then. Oh well.

The Ancient Rejections[edit | edit source]

Ancient people rejected hairpins, because they choked on them, thinking they were the new types of super-food. Wait, they didnt have any.

The Ancient Erections[edit | edit source]

Ancient men often had erections when looking at a lady who so much as blinked her eyes. No hairpins in sight.

Farmers[edit | edit source]

Something about modern farmers would mean that they always think that in the theoretical event that they dropped a hairpin in a hey stack, they wouldn't be able to do anything about it.

In this theoretical event, the animals cound theoretically eat the theoretical pin.

After searching hundreds of hey stacks, finding nothing, he found one that looked different to the rest.

A farmer ona field of hey bales, looking at a particular bale with a massive hair pin sticking out.
Ok, I found it. Now what the hell am I supposed to do?

He thought the massive pin was meant as a destraction to more pins hidden in the hey bales. So he threw them all away. The animals weren't eating hairpins today.

And so, the saying "its like searching for a hairpin in a heystack" was born, and it ment how you were searching for an object that wasn't there, only to throw everything away when you finally find it.

Ponkan trash full.png
This article is being considered for huffing in accordance with Uncyclopedia's huffing policy.|f=left|ts=|tt=0|m=28px|b=0|s=11px|styles=||inherit|}}}}}

It is currently listed at Pages to Huff. The reason is, we have found what we were looking for, now we must throw everything away.