Grammar anarchists
Grammar anarchism is the belief that the very concept of grammar itself should be abolished. Supporters of grammar anarchism are of course called grammar anarchists. The ideology of grammar anarchism is not quite the polar opposite of grammar Nazism, but grammar anarchists and grammar Nazis hate each other fat more than you hate either of these groups put together. Grammar anarchism commonly thrives on small Internet forums, and it is especially popular among elementary-school-age children and total idiots.
LotofLOLS, author of the famed Mr winkler is GAY, is often considered the "patron saint" of grammar anarchists.
Theory[edit | edit source]
The theory of grammar anarchism claims that grammar itself has done nothing for society, and that society would be better off without it. A radical variety of grammar anarchists believe that anyone who uses proper grammar (the concept of which is considered to be made-up) is a fucking snob.
History[edit | edit source]
The idea of grammar anarchism can be traced back to Ancient Greece. Bophades of Tuberculosis, one of the earliest known grammar anarchist writers, wrote a treatise known in English as Me Hate Me Textbooks Very Big Much Real Lots, which is to this day mandatorily studied in several major universities around the world. During the Renaissance, this treatise was shamelessly translated verbatim into various languages from the original Greek, resulting in some very strange grammatical “mistakes”, or should I say, “happy accidents”. Due to the strictness of scholars at the time, a large group of grammar Nazis proofread the Latin version to make it seem more official, thus it took over a year for the Latin version to be properly translated.
The theory of grammar anarchism became much more popular among the mainstream of society with the rise of the Internet in the late 1990s. According to a 2011 poll, 12% of Americans claimed to be grammar anarchists, and several more considered the philosophy attractive. A whopping 78% of people who answered the polls considered grammar anarchists themselves to be attractive.
Criticism[edit | edit source]
While criticism of grammar anarchism is common among elementary school teachers and college professors alike (and their nerdy pupils), grammar anarchists themselves tend to consider these criticisms to be brainwashed and invalid, since they won’t take anything that "looking like it be writed by big nerd".