Forum:How do you make one of those warning things?

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Forums: Index > Help > How do you make one of those warning things?
Note: This topic has been unedited for 6029 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.
^ already did

how do you make these warning Article things? like:



Osiris Seal.jpg ZU MACHEN!!
Sie gibt! This article is horribly in need of a re-write, but do not delete it. If able, you may re-write it. If you are too weak, contact a member of Der Unwher immediately. Heil!
If not fixed within 45 days, this article may face deletion.

could i have some help please?

  • is in need of enlightenment* – Preceding unsigned comment added by Lord iEvil (talk • contribs)
    Dearest Huggybunnykins: The easiest way to make templates is to look at the code for existing templates, (a la: Template:Rewrite), copy it to a page under your userpage (voila: User:Lord iEvil/Template:Rewrite, or if it's just going to be used on one page paste the code there), edit that pre-done template to say and do what you want it to, and save. Also, reference what I said before with the things and the stuff; don't. Templates suck and people that make them smell like feet and everybody hates them. Sir Modusoperandi Boinc! 03:07, 20 August 2008 (UTC)