Forum:Can someone block the user

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Forums: Index > Ministry of Love > Can someone block the user
Note: This topic has been unedited for 1311 days. It is considered archived - the discussion is over. Do not add to unless it really needs a response.

I can't change the title, I meant ban The user keeps messing with my COVID-19 article by adding the n-word which he must find hilarious, cause get the joke, racial slur... we got a comedian in this circus. I don't know what admins do, I just don't want that crap on my page

Jotaro Kujo (talk) 21:46, 23 March 2020 (UTC)

Sure. Just blocked them. — Capitalis quadrata Y.SVG (talk) (contributions) 18:17:37 2020/03/24 UTC
P.S.: A good place to let admins know about users who are misbehaving is at Uncyclopedia:Ban Patrol. — Capitalis quadrata Y.SVG (talk) (contributions) 18:20:44 2020/03/24 UTC