Category talk:The American Otaku Association
The Forum Is Open To All[edit source]
You guys talk too much... --AmericanBastard 02:27, 25 February 2:007 (UTC)
- oh Ha Ha!--AyumiKitada 06:03, 25 February 2007 (UTC)
Hi. Umm... Nice to be a member...--Chevy SK 22:47, 25 February 2007 (UTC)
- Glad to have you, at the moment we dont do mutch but we do watch out for each others work and contribut to eachothers work making it funnyer and protecting it from asshats and the like. i wil soon be naming a second in comand so if you want that role speek up.--AyumiKitada 03:54, 26 February 2007 (UTC)
Well 1) before I say I'm interested, what exactly does being second in command entail, and 2) Does anybody have the free time to help me format my Morning Musume page?--Chevy SK 04:50, 26 February 2007 (UTC)
- Second in comand dose what i do when i am not doing it ( moniters all the pages under the AoAs Jerisdiction to keep them free of un funy edits aka IPs spewing nonsense and users removing large masses of content and reporting And fixing any vandalism) also in general as a groop we will become a think tank because as groop editing articles we can be far more productive (and funny) than a lone user. Also awer numbers (as they grow) will soon hold influence over The Order resulting in a higher rank for all of us and a higher likelihood of getting awer Articles Featured.
if I have free time i will help you format the Morning Musume page but as a groop we should all help --AyumiKitada LoTAOA
Regarding Kitsune[edit source]
While I have found that significant numbers of kitsune have no strong connection to Japanese culture, my by now way too deep an involvement in their culture is a good reason to become more familiar with Japanese and east Asian culture. Should I become a member of the The American Otaku Association while I try to get up to speed on Japanese culture? Verp 05:22, 24 January 2008 (UTC)
Userbox[edit source]
As I said on my talk page, I'd be happy to meatsmith you people a userbox that you can use to tell each other apart by sight. All you need to say is the magic word (and it's not Alohomora). --Ж Cake-eating Cave Monkey or was it a giant monster or a robot? 04:58, 26 February 2007 (UTC)
- And so... BAM! TEMPLATED!
- Feel free to change the pic. I just recycled my food-eating battle monkey template. --Ж Cake-eating Cave Monkey or was it a giant monster or a robot? 05:52, 26 February 2007 (UTC)